"My faith helps me understand that circumstances don't dictate my happiness, my inner peace." - Denzel Washington
1. Select "City of Moscow"
2. Select Payment "Citation"
Speeding Tickets $197.50
*For Each additional Fine add a $50.00 fee (headlights,No Dl, Financial Responsibility)
14075 Highway 57, Moscow, Tennessee 38057, United States
(901) 877-3585 - M-F 8a-5p
While there is an officer on duty 24 hours per day, the Police Department office is not staffed 24 hours per day. If you need Moscow Police Department services please contact the Fayette County Sheriff's Office dispatch at 901-465-3456 to have an officer dispatched to your residence. Please note the Sheriff's Office CANNOT answer questions regarding Moscow Municipal Court Traffic Citations.
Please refer to the bottom of your citation to find the date and time of your scheduled court appearance. Defendants may enter a guilty plea and pay fines and costs in person, by mail or online. Appearance in Moscow Municipal Court is not mandatory unless otherwise noted on the citation. Defendants cannot have a court date changed or
Please refer to the bottom of your citation to find the date and time of your scheduled court appearance. Defendants may enter a guilty plea and pay fines and costs in person, by mail or online. Appearance in Moscow Municipal Court is not mandatory unless otherwise noted on the citation. Defendants cannot have a court date changed or rescheduled if they wait until the week of court to contact the clerk.
Email the Police Clerk to request a copy of a police report. Include name, email and contact number, date of accident or intake date of complaint.
Report cost is $25.00.